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Date : 2020-04-07
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Orthodox Christianity Contemporary Thought Fordham ~ Orthodox Christianity Contemporary Thought Edited by Aristotle Papanikolaou Fordham University and Ashley M Purpura Purdue University This series consists of books that seek to bring Orthodox Christianity into an engagement with contemporary forms of thought
Orthodox Readings of Augustine by George E Demacopoulos ~ Orthodox Constructions of the West Orthodox Christianity and Contemporary Thought by George E Demacopoulos Paperback 4358 Only 1 left in stock more on the way Ships from and sold by
About the Orthodox Christian Studies Center Fordham ~ He is coeditor with George E Demacopoulos of Orthodox Readings of Augustine 2008 and Orthodox Constructions of the West 2013 and he is coeditor with Demacopoulos of the Fordham University Press series Orthodox Christianity and Contemporary Thought and with Elizabeth Prodromou of Thinking through Faith New Perspectives from Orthodox Christian Scholars 2008
Customer reviews Orthodox Readings of Augustine ~ The past century has seen a trend in Eastern Orthodox theologians who have attempted to distance their own theology from that of the west with historical revisionism that questions St Augustine as part of the authentic Christian tradition
Orthodox Christian Studies Center Publications Fordham ~ In 2018 the Center will launch the Journal of Orthodox Christian Studies a doubleblind peerreviewed scholarly journal publishing leading scholarship on all aspects of Orthodox Christianity The Center has also published Orthodox Readings of Augustine SVS Press 2008 edited by George Demacopoulos and Aristotle Papanikolaou This book not only presents Eastern Orthodox readings of the great Latin theologian but also demonstrates the very nature of theological consensus in ecumenical
The Blessed Saint Augustine of Hippo His Place in the ~ The Blessed Saint Augustine of Hippo His Place in the Orthodox Church A Corrective O Lord the One God God the Trinity whatever I have said in these books that is of Thine may they acknowledge who are Thine if anything of my own may it be pardoned both by Thee and by those who are Thine
Blessed Augustine of Hippo His Place in the Orthodox ~ A rather more balanced assessment of St Augustine than one usually finds among Western writers is that of the late Hieromonk Seraphim of Platina who in his monograph The Place of Blessed Augustine in the Orthodox Church Platina CA St Herman of Alaska Brotherhood 1983 writes
Augustine of Hippo OrthodoxWiki ~ Augustine remains a central figure both within Christianity and in the history of Western thought Himself much influenced by Platonism and neoPlatonism particularly by Plotinus Augustine was important to the baptism of Greek thought and its entrance into the Western Christian and subsequently the European intellectual tradition
Orthodox Christian Books ~ Thankfully the tide is shifting and Orthodox Christian scholars are active in the various scholarly guilds most notably is the recent Orthodox presence at the Society of Biblical Literature last year as well as the ongoing presence in the American Academy of Religion
Saint Augustine in the Greek Orthodox Tradition Theology ~ Seraphim Rose wrote a small book that attempts to exonerate Saint Augustine from the Orthodox perspective This approach is not universally accepted in Orthodoxy Recent Orthodox theologians have attacked Augustine as an innovator of heretical teachings Fr John Romanides and Fr Michael Azkoul have been extremely critical of Augustine Fr
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