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The limits of the papacy Authority and autonomy in the ~ Granfield looks at the various ways that the papacy is limited in power and authority in the church The papacy as monarchy is now much more limited than it was in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries Why is this The book stresses the legal theological dogmatic practical limits now on the papacy
The Limits of the Papacy Authority and Autonomy in the ~ Granfield looks at the various ways that the papacy is limited in power and authority in the church The papacy as monarchy is now much more limited than it was in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries Why is this The book stresses the legal theological dogmatic practical limits now on the papacy
The limits of the papacy authority and autonomy in the ~ The limits of the papacy authority and autonomy in the church by Granfield Patrick
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The limits of the papacy authority and autonomy in the Church ~ The limits of the papacy authority and autonomy in the Church by Granfield Patrick Published by Crossroad New York ISBN 0824508394 0824510437
The limits of the papacy authority and autonomy in the ~ The Primatial Authority in Action The Claims of Primacy The Possibility of Limitation The Experience of Collegiality The Church of Rome and the Local Church The ope and the Catholic Faithful The Pope and Other Christians
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A review of The Limits of the Papacy Authority and ~ A review of The Limits of the Papacy Authority and Autonomy in the Church by Patrick Grantfield Citation Connolly P 1988 A review of The Limits of the Papacy Authority and Autonomy in the Church by Patrick Grantfield
The limits of the papacy authority and autonomy in the ~ The limits of the papacy authority and autonomy in the church Patrick Granfield Granfield Patrick
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