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Date : 2010-06-01
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What Is a Human Person and Who Counts as a Human Person ~ The human person is a living human body and conversely a living human body is a human person 2 2 The male body person is meant to be a gift to the female body person in the communion of persons we call marriage
Person Wikipedia ~ A person plural people or persons is a being that has certain capacities or attributes such as reason morality consciousness or selfconsciousness and being a part of a culturally established form of social relations such as kinship ownership of property or legal responsibility
Life and Dignity of the Human Person ~ The Catholic Church proclaims that human life is sacred and that the dignity of the human person is the foundation of a moral vision for society This belief is the foundation of all the principles of our social teaching In our society human life is under direct attack from abortion and euthanasia
What is a Human Person ~ Hence man is more than an animal Just as there is in us the emotion of love I love pizza I love sugar cookies etc there is also the love that is an act of the will The love that is an act of the will is the highest kind of love It is the one love that is specifically human
The Christian Understanding of the Human Person Principles ~ Each human person is an end in himself and one must never make another person a means for an end that is lower than the lofty end of the realization of the will of God for that particular person The Christian battles against physical and moral evils and contributes constructively to the conditions of life pertaining to the dignity of the human person
The Human Person Nature Ethical and Theological ~ The human person –every person is the highest value we find on Earth Global concerns –about climate overpopulation famine migration – are clearly in need of ethical rules that should look at the good of the persons affected now and in the future but destroying lives or condemning undeveloped nations to hunger and ignorance cannot be an option
Three Perspectives on the Human Person The Imaginative ~ When talking about human beings we cannot mention a “nature” without mentioning a “person” connected to it The first important thing to notice is that it is the person who possesses the nature and not the other way around Though the pop psychologists would beg to differ a nature does not possess a person
The Human Person SlideShare ~ The Notion of a PersonLAWA person is a human being or a corporationrecognized in law as having certain rightsand PHYA person is a being characterized byconsciousness rationality and a moral senseand traditionally thought of as consisting ofboth a body and a mind or soul
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