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Date : 2015-08-01
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The Imitation of Christ Wikipedia ~ The Imitation of Christ Latin De Imitatione Christi by Thomas à Kempis is a Christian devotional book It was first composed in Latin ca 1418–1427 It is a handbook for spiritual life arising from the Devotio Moderna movement of which Kempis was a member
The Imitation of Christ Thomas à Kempis 9781945644443 ~ The Imitation of Christ Thomas à Kempis on FREE shipping on qualifying offers Complete and unabridged 15 th century text by Thomas à Kempis and translated by William Benham in 1886 This book is a classic for comfort and understanding of living the spiritual life of Christ in a physical world
Imitation of Christ Wikipedia ~ In Christian theology the Imitation of Christ is the practice of following the example of Jesus In Eastern Christianity the term Life in Christ is sometimes used for the same concept The ideal of the Imitation of Christ has been an important element of both Christian ethics and spirituality
The Imitation of Christ Index ~ The 15th century treatise Of the Imitation of Christ is one of the most popular Christian books of all time Although its authorship was disputed for a long time it is generally now regarded as the product of Thomas a Kempis The work is a manual of devotion assisting the soul in its pursuit of holiness and communion with God
THE IMITATION OF CHRIST ~ From both pursuits evolved The Imitation of Christ As editor and translator he was not without faults but thanks to him the Imitation became and has remained after the Bible the most widely read book in the
The Imitation of Christ Summary ~ The Imitation of Christ is a Devotional that is held in extremely high regard particularly in Catholicism The book is a collection of recommendations for how to live ones life daytoday in service of God and follow the morals of the Bible It is separated into four primary sections each of which has many smaller chapters
The Book The Imitation of Christ ~ Widely praised across centuries and continents a preface to an 1873 edition of the book reads “The Imitation of Christ has received the unqualified approbation of every learned and pious ornament of the Church it is still held in as high estimation by people of every denomination as it was at any time since it came from the pen of Thomas à Kempis” A century prior French author Fontenelle described it as “The most excellent production that ever yet issued from the hand of man”
The Imitation of Christ by Thomas à Kempis Goodreads ~ Imitation of Christ was written by a Benedictine monk around 1429 The truth he writes of transcends centuries and applies as much to todays modern manwoman as it did back then because it addresses the issues and attitudes that lie in the human heart
The Imitation of Christ A Timeless Classic for ~ His wellloved work The Imitation of Christ was written between 1420 and 1427 presumably as four booklets intended to instruct the novices of his community It is one of Christian historys bestknown works on spiritual devotion
The Imitation of Christ ~ The Imitation of Christ the aim was to achieve a simple readable text which would ring true to those who are already lovers of this incomparable book and would attract others to it
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