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Date : 1998-03-01
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Rating : 4.5
Reviews : 30
Category : Book

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Job and the Mystery of Suffering Spiritual Reflections ~ Rohrs interpretation of Jobs storyand in the more universal sense all human sufferingis highly enlightened and takes the theme of human suffering vis a vis God to a whole new level of understanding one that takes Job and God out of the customary or narrow boxes in which many persons place them
Job and the Mystery of Suffering Spiritual Reflections by ~ The author of Job and the Mystery of Suffering points to Christs suffering as a comfort and also allows for the existence of the chaos factor a mystery in a world created by a mighty God This book evolved out of taped talks and lectures by Rohr on Job and the problem of sufferingevil
Job and the Mystery of Suffering Spiritual Reflections by ~ With theological wisdom he takes the mystery of suffering into the light of day opening a new and real way of understanding suffering It is the one peril we Christians must that of misunderstanding suffering as a punishment or of God turning His back on us But rather that God is present there as strongly as He is when we are joyful
Customer reviews Job and the Mystery of ~ Rohrs interpretation of Jobs storyand in the more universal sense all human sufferingis highly enlightened and takes the theme of human suffering vis a vis God to a whole new level of understanding one that takes Job and God out of the customary or narrow boxes in which many persons place them
Job and the Mystery of Suffering Spiritual Reflections ~ Find many great new used options and get the best deals for Job and the Mystery of Suffering Spiritual Reflections by Richard Rohr 1998 Paperback at the best online prices at eBay Free shipping for many products
Job and the Mystery of Suffering Spiritual Reflections ~ Richard Rohr internationally known retreat leader speaker and writer plumbs the depths of the Jobs story and its relevance for us today Rohr strips Christian faith down to the essentials beyond glib answers and a handmedown experience of God and points the way to true knowing In this invigorating exploration the tension between suffering and faith becomes a powerful means to an
Job and the Mystery of Suffering Spiritual Reflections ~ For a topic as difficult as this he helps the reader review suffering The title is truly appropriate since bad things do happen to good people as Job indeed was good yet suffered intensly Rohr does an excellent job disecting the book of Job and revealing his and our relationship with God within the pain not apart from it
Job and the Mystery of Suffering Spiritual Reflections ~ Job and the Mystery of Suffering Spiritual Reflections by Richard Rohr This book is a spiritual commentary on the many themes to be found in the story of Job as is grapples with the question of why there is suffering in the world even for people who live a good and upright life
Job and the Mystery of Suffering Crossroad ~ Job and the Mystery of Suffering Richard Rohr plumbs the depths of the Jobs story to reveal its relevance for us today This important book shows how the tension between suffering and faith can be a powerful means to an authentic connection with the divine
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