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Pope Offers Historic Mea Culpa CBS News ~ During a special mass at the Vatican on Sunday Pope John Paul II took the unprecedented step of asking Gods forgiveness for the sins committed by Roman Catholics over the last 2000 years including its treatment of Jews heretics women and native peoples
Pope with Roma community A request for forgiveness in the ~ It fell to Pope John Paul II to address a specific request for forgiveness which he did during the penitential celebration for the Jubilee of the year 2000 “Let us pray that contemplating Jesus our Lord and our Peace Christians will be able to repent of the words and attitudes caused by pride by hatred by the desire to dominate others by enmity towards members of other religions and towards the weakest groups in society such as immigrants and itinerants”
Pope To Make Mea Culpa CBS News ~ Pope To Make Mea Culpa Pope John Paul II always determined to make history not merely be carried along by it will issue a sweeping unprecedented apology next Sunday for sins committed by the Catholic Church over the past 2000 years
Truth Provided Newsletter The Pope and Forgiveness ~ On March 12 the first Sunday of Lent John Paul II will publicly ask the Lords forgiveness for past and present faults of the children of the Church This morning Bishop Piero Marini Pontifical Master of Ceremonies explained the meaning of this Day of Forgiveness in the Vatican Press Office
When a Pope asks forgiveness the mea culpas of John Paul II ~ Get this from a library When a Pope asks forgiveness the mea culpas of John Paul II Luigi Accattoli
Pope John Pauls Mea Culpa Is Imitated and Admired ~ Pope John Pauls Mea Culpa Is Imitated and Admired VATICAN CITY — Pope John Paul IIs longawaited and unprecedented apology for the sins of Christians through the ages was echoed by local churches in the United States and elsewhere and generally welcomed by nonCatholics around the world
Pope Asks Forgiveness for Catholic Sins of Persecution ~ On March 12th 2000 at the Vatican in Rome Pope John Paul II formally asked forgiveness for the various persecution sins committed by the Catholic Church over the last two millennium In his Day of Pardon homily the pope confessed
CNN Transcript Sunday Morning News Pope John Paul II ~ POPE JOHN PAUL II We humbly ask for forgiveness for the part that each of us with his or her behaviors has played in such evils thus contributing to disrupting the face of the church At the same time as we confess our sins let us forgive the faults committed by others towards us
Facing the Inquisition A pope seeks pardon America ~ The public apologies were chronicled by Luigi Accattoli the Italian reporter who covered the pope for the Italian daily newspaper Corriere della Sera and published in 1998 with the English
Pope John Paul II and His Message of Forgiveness ~ It was March 12 of the Jubilee Year 2000 when Pope John Paul II made history by asking for forgiveness Addressing an audience of thousands gathered at St Peter’s the pope made a sweeping confession Noting the Crusades the Inquisition and transgressions against Jews women and minorities
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