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Date : 2007-10-01
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What did Jesus mean when He said “I am the Bread of Life ~ John 635 says “I am the bread of life whoever comes to me shall not hunger and whoever believes in me shall never thirst” Bread is considered a staple food— a basic dietary item A person can survive a long time on only bread and water
John 635 Jesus answered I am the bread of life Whoever ~ I am the bread of Life replied Jesus he who comes to me shall never hunger and he who believes in me shall never never thirst World English Bible Jesus said to them I am the bread of life
The Bread of Life ~ Getting this fresh vision of Jesus as the Bread of Life changed my perspective on speaking serving and ministry It wasnt a lesson just for this one trip but for a lifetime
What is the Bread of Life ~ Jesuss Shocking Truth Bread is the Staple of Life Following the multiplication of the loaves and fishes in the Gospel of John is one of the most flabbergasting passages in the Bible especially when studied through the eyes of a first century Jew The Gospels portray Jesus as a pullnopunches straight shooter and His use of the phrase Amen
The Bread of Life ~ It may be that you truly do need a loaf of bread Maybe you have recently lost your job due to a company layoff Jesus is the bread of life so when you turn to Him and declare your need of Him as your Savior He will not only satisfy your spiritual needs but also provide all that you need to live each day
I Am the Bread of Life ~ Definition The Bread of Life is the spiritual food needed by man Without the bread of life man cannot live spiritually Just as physically man needs to eat in order to live the bread of life gives nourishment for the soul Unless one eats from the bread of live he faces eternal death
I am the Bread of Life Lyrics ~ I Am the Bread of Life by Richard Proulx and the Cathedral Singers Lyrics Photos Duration 519 OurGoodShepherd777 1948995 views 519
I am the Bread of Life ~ The song is performed by Jaime Thietten The cross is a photo I took
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