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Date : 1993-10-01
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Why Catholic ~ One Holy Universal Apostolic Church Jesus sees His Kingdom and speaks of His Kingdom with great precision and detail Just before his ascension He said to His Apostles go ye teach all nations baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you and lo I am with you all days even to the
Christian Why Catholic Catholic Answers ~ Why Catholicism is only one of many different Christian religions What is it the Catholic Church offers to its almost one billion members that cannot be obtained anywhere else This article is my attempt to describe ten of the unique characteristics of the Catholic Church that set it apart from other Christian denominations
Why Catholic Why Catholic ~ Why Catholic Catholicism is not a denomination It is the original One Holy Universal Apostolic Church Universal understood properly means for ALL time for ALL people and for ALL places
3 Reasons Why You Should Be Catholic Word on Fire ~ Why be Catholic Because to be Catholic is to be in full union with the one thing that can make you most sane and most happy A tall claim to be sure but it’s not an arrogant claim It’s a truth claim I am Catholic because I am convinced the Church is the only place I will find the fullness of truth and joy That’s why I’m Catholic
Why Be Catholic 10 Answers to a Very Important Question ~ As a followup to Patrick’s speech on “WHY BE CATHOLIC” broadcast on IMRadio 52016 I ask the following questions In his book and speech why does Patrick emphasize as proof of the Catholic church’s authenticity and its decendence from Jesus Christ Himself using the statements that the Roman Catholic Church was the ONLY church around in the 1800s and in the 1500s
Why Be Catholic ~ What’s the point of the Catholic Church Why do we need a Church and why must it be Catholic While seemingly a simple question I’d actually argue it is quite profound In this age of talk of “reform” within the Church how we answer these questions will get to the heart of why reform is …
Why Be Catholic Ten Answers to a Very Important Question ~ Why Be Catholic Ten Answers to a Very Important Question Patrick Madrid Cardinal Seán OMalley on FREE shipping on qualifying offers The popular blogger and publisher of Envoy magazine offers 10 key reasons why he loves being Catholic and you should too Drawing heavily on poignant anecdotes from his own experience as a lifelong Catholic born in 1960s
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