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Date : 2013-02-11
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The Text and Contexts of Ignatius Loyolas Autobiography ~ Ignatius Loyola’s SoCalled Autobiography builds upon recent scholarly consensus examines the language of the text that Ignatius Loyola dictated as his legacy to fellow Jesuits late in life and discusses relevant elements of the social historical and religious contexts in which the text came to birth
The Text and Contexts of Ignatius Loyolas Autobiography ~ Ignatius Loyola’s SoCalled Autobiography builds upon recent scholarly consensus examines the language of the text that Ignatius Loyola dictated as his legacy to fellow Jesuits late in life and discusses relevant elements of the social historical and religious contexts in which the text came to birth
The Text and Contexts of Ignatius Loyolas Autobiography ~ The Text and Contexts of Ignatius Loyolas Autobiography Book Description This refreshing reevaluation of the socalled autobiography of Ignatius Loyola c 14911556 situates Ignatiuss Acts against the backgrounds of the spiritual geography of Lukes New Testament writings and the culture of Renaissance humanism
The Text and Contexts of Ignatius Loyolas “Autobiography ~ The full text of this article hosted at is unavailable due to technical difficulties
The Text and Contexts of Ignatius Loyolas Autobiography ~ The Text and Contexts of Ignatius Loyolas Autobiography John M McManamon Published by Fordham University Press John M McManamon
The Text and Contexts of Ignatius Loyolas Autobiography ~ McManamon presents an engaging study of the Acta commonly known as the Autobiography of St Ignatius Loyola carefully exploring the text its origins history as well as its theological and spiritual significance
The Text and Contexts of Ignatius Loyolas Autobiography ~ O’Rourke Boyle properly argued that the text is not an autobiography an account of the entire life of Ignatius that Ignatius himself wrote The existing text does not cover Ignatius’s entire life and he did Preface x preface not write it strictly speaking
The Text and Contexts of Ignatius Loyolas Autobiography ~ Ignatius Loyolas SoCalled Autobiography builds upon recent scholarly consensus examines the language of the text that Ignatius Loyola dictated as his legacy to fellow Jesuits late in life and discusses relevant elements of the social historical and religious contexts in which the text came to birth
The text and contexts of Ignatius Loyolas autobiography ~ The book reevaluates the socalled autobiography of Ignatius Loyola ca 14911556 against the backgrounds of the spiritual geography of Lukes New Testament writings and the culture of Renaissance The analysis focuses on the language Ignatius used when dictating the text the events he chose to include or exclude and the cultures that helped to shape his spiritual emphases
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