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Date : 2001-09-20
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Selling the OldTime Religion American Fundamentalists ~ It gives us a nuanced analysis of the ways that Christian fundamentalists influenced―and were influenced by―the entertainment industries popular culture and the entrepreneurial spirit Selling the OldTime Religion is a wonderful contribution to the scholarly literature on twentiethcentury Protestantism
Selling the OldTime Religion American Fundamentalists ~ Start by marking “Selling the OldTime Religion American Fundamentalists and Mass Culture 19201940” as Want to Read Want to Read saving… Want to Read
Selling the OldTime Religion American Fundamentalists ~ The relationship between Protestant fundamentalists and mass culture is often considered complex and ambiguous Selling the OldTime Religion examines this relationship and shows how the first generation of fundamentalists embraced the modern business and entertainment techniques of marketing advertising drama film radio and publishing to spread the gospel
Douglas Carl Abrams Selling the OldTime Religion ~ Selling the OldTime Religion American Fundamentalists and Mass Culture 1920Â1940 Athens University of Georgia Press 2001 xiv 168 pp 3500 cloth ISBN 9780820322940 Reviewed by Randall Stephens Published on HSouth September 2004 Fundamentalism has often bewildered its many critics Scholarly and secular observers are
Selling the oldtime religion American fundamentalists ~ A cultural history of fundamentalisms formative decades Protestant fundamentalists have always allied themselves with conservative politics and stood against liberal theology and evolution From the start however their relationship with mass culture has been complex and ambivalent Selling the OldTime Religion tells how the first generation of fundamentalists embraced the modern business and entertainment techniques of marketing advertising drama film radio and publishing to spread
Selling the Oldtime Religion American Fundamentalists ~ Selling the OldTime Religion is written by a fundamentalist who is based at the countrys foremost fundamentalist institute of higher education It is a candid and remarkable piece of scholarship that reveals from the inside the movements first encounters with some of the media methods it now wields with welldocumented virtuosity
Selling the oldtime religion American fundamentalists ~ Get this from a library Selling the oldtime religion American fundamentalists and mass culture 19201940 Douglas Carl Abrams The relationship between Protestant fundamentalists and mass culture is often considered complex and ambiguous Selling the OldTime Religion examines this relationship and shows how the first
Reviews of BooksSelling the OldTime Religion American ~ Reviews of BooksSelling the OldTime Religion American Fundamentalists and Mass Culture 19201940 Douglas Carl Abrams Article in The American Historical Review 1083855856 · June 2003 with
ABRAMS DOUGLAS CARL SELLING THE OLDTIME RELIGION ~ Selling the OldTime Religion American Fundamentalists and Mass Culture shows how fundamentalists between World War I and World War II negotiated the many challenges and seductions of American mass culture Abrams does an excellent job synthesizing the best scholarship and primary source material to emphasize how fundamentalists in this
Selling the Oldtime Religion 9780820322940 ~ Recensies Selling the OldTime Religion makes a very useful contribution to the growing body of scholarship that considers the relation between business and religion in modern America Business History Review Selling the OldTime Religion is a welcome addition to the scholarship on American fundamentalism
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