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Date : 2001-03-01
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Rating : 4.5
Reviews : 41
Category : Book

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The Zen Teachings of Jesus 9780824518837 ~ The Zen Teachings of Jesus and millions of other books are available for Amazon Kindle Enter your mobile number or email address below and well send you a link to download the free Kindle App Then you can start reading Kindle books on your smartphone tablet or computer no Kindle device required
The Zen Teachings of Jesus by Kenneth S Leong ~ Leong rightly perceives that there are many corollaries between Zen and the teachings of Jesus especially the parables Jesus and Zen are not about dualistic black and white absolutes Jesus and Zen are about holding the creative tensions between opposites Thats where we find creativity energy and dynamism
The Zen Teachings of Jesus by Kenneth S Leong Paperback ~ Rather it is a book on the teachings of Jesus in the Gospels from a fresh perspective to recover the lost dimensions of his spirituality — joy humor and poetry It is important for us to distinguish between what is said about Jesus and what Jesus has said
Customer reviews Zen Teachings Of Jesus ~ Jesus waited on death where waiting means that he attended to and underwent the pain and suffering of death as the last and ultimate path toward life lived in the Presence This extraordinary acceptance finally opened the eyes of the disciples The Zen Teachings of Jesus is the best handbook I know for meeting Jesus again for the very first time
Zen Teachings of Jesus by Kenneth Leong Goodreads ~ Zen Teachings of Jesus This is the spiritual side of Zen that art to trust and accept life that coincides with the core of the Gospel message
Christian Zen The Essential Teachings of Jesus Christ ~ In any event it is contemporary with the four gospels found in the New Testament which are generally accepted as being written between 50 and 130 after the death of Jesus There is a distinctly Zenish or Buddhist flavor to these sayings all of which are attributed to Jesus
“The Zen Of Jesus” – Water To Wine ~ I had an interesting thought How might the teachings of Jesus line up with the teachings of Zen Buddhism I began to search the Gospels for teachings by Jesus on peace love contentment and the avoidance of worry among other topics Then I figured that there must be others who have had the same thought so I Googled “The…
What Is Zen Zen Studies ~ What is Zen It’s both something we are—our true nature expressing itself moment by moment—and something we do—a disciplined practice through which we can realize the joy of being It is not a belief system to which one converts There is no dogma or doctrine Zen is the direct experience of what we might call …
thezensite Was Jesus a Buddhist ~ Jesus calls himself the Light of his teachings so Gautama has been named the Buddha which in Sanskrit means Light If Jesus had been called the Master in the Gospels so the Buddha has been called Sasta or the Master if Jesus has been called Blessed in the Gospels so the Buddha has been named Sugt the Blessed
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